Use It Or Lose It

Use It Or Lose It

Sarcopenia – I don’t like the sound of that word. As we get older, guys, we lose muscle – that’s a fact. We wake up with different aches, start reaching for the railing to steady ourselves, and may notice we aren’t even as tall as we were in high school....
Is Fruit Sugar Okay?

Is Fruit Sugar Okay?

Someone asked the other day: Are sugars all the same?  Juice, fruit, candy, etc.? Is it healthy to drink fruit juice, or is that like mixing white sugar into water? Short answer:  Juice is not as healthy as fruit, but either of these is way better than white sugar....
Do Just One Push Up

Do Just One Push Up

Losing weight means we have to change old habits, right? But that is tough to do – after all,  those habits are old habits – they have been around for years! I know that is true for me, and I still have to intentionally shake off old habits almost daily to...
Avoid the Virus? Breathe Deep

Avoid the Virus? Breathe Deep

I’m tired of hearing about the virus – are you? Not just everything Covid, but anything viral. Yet viruses are a real thing – caught a cold yet? How do we get our immune system ‘jacked up’ so our body fights off all that bacteria and virus junk? And help...
“Fast” Morning Walk

“Fast” Morning Walk

Get up early each morning and have a ‘fast’ walk. What am I talking about? Not walking fast, but walking fasted, as in a fasted state – in other words, don’t eat breakfast yet. This really works to burn off more fat.  I know. I still do it. I wish I’d thought of...
The "Busy Man's" Method For Getting Healthier Even In Middle Age!
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