by Dwight Hunnicutt | Aug 23, 2021 | Health
Sarcopenia – I don’t like the sound of that word. As we get older, guys, we lose muscle – that’s a fact. We wake up with different aches, start reaching for the railing to steady ourselves, and may notice we aren’t even as tall as we were in high school....
by Dwight Hunnicutt | Aug 16, 2021 | Food
Someone asked the other day: Are sugars all the same? Juice, fruit, candy, etc.? Is it healthy to drink fruit juice, or is that like mixing white sugar into water? Short answer: Juice is not as healthy as fruit, but either of these is way better than white sugar....
by Dwight Hunnicutt | Aug 9, 2021 | Advice, Exercise
Losing weight means we have to change old habits, right? But that is tough to do – after all, those habits are old habits – they have been around for years! I know that is true for me, and I still have to intentionally shake off old habits almost daily to...
by Dwight Hunnicutt | Aug 2, 2021 | Advice, Diet, Health
I’m tired of hearing about the virus – are you? Not just everything Covid, but anything viral. Yet viruses are a real thing – caught a cold yet? How do we get our immune system ‘jacked up’ so our body fights off all that bacteria and virus junk? And help...
by Dwight Hunnicutt | Jul 21, 2021 | Exercise, Fasting
Get up early each morning and have a ‘fast’ walk. What am I talking about? Not walking fast, but walking fasted, as in a fasted state – in other words, don’t eat breakfast yet. This really works to burn off more fat. I know. I still do it. I wish I’d thought of...