by Dwight Hunnicutt | Jul 14, 2021 | Success
Hey! Can we just please keep it simple? I’m a minimalist, optimizing kind of guy, so the simpler it is, the better, especially if it combines more and more benefits at the same time! At the same time, keep it easy, okay? Why make things harder than they are? We...
by Dwight Hunnicutt | Jul 7, 2021 | Diet, Food, Success
Why did I have to learn it all the hard way? After all, it was real easy to gain that weight, especially during my first five years of being married (refer back to my story for those details – ugh). I didn’t have anything to learn to gain weight – I just...
by Dwight Hunnicutt | Apr 1, 2021 | Success
Yeah!! I’m more fit now – the bathroom scale says so! You’ve been doing great sticking to the plan, yes? I have been, and I’m always encouraged when you men let me know you things are going great for you. Well, just a tip: it’s not always a cheer you shout...