Losing weight means we have to change old habits, right?
But that is tough to do – after all, those habits are old habits – they have been around for years!
I know that is true for me, and I still have to intentionally shake off old habits almost daily to stay on track (like hunting for something sweet after a meal).
Here’s something I found very helpful for me, and it will be for you (since we are both human men – we’re designed the same, and we develop habits the same way.)
Just do one push up a day.
Sounds easy?
Why only one?
Well, one is the minimum, but once you do one, the next day you may feel like doing two or three.
Then, over a few days/weeks you will find you can do more, leading to longer exercise sessions.
Apply this principle to your exercise routine – just do it for 3 minutes each day.
Then add another minute or two, and soon you’ll have a daily exercise habit of 15-20 minutes.
Apply this to your eating habits – skip one bad habit daily (start with anything white sugary).
The key is: each day.
This is how I developed by regular sleep schedule: I headed to bed around 9pm every day, no matter what was going on (except in very rare circumstances), and always got up when my alarm fired off at 5:30am.
At first, it was “Ugh!”
Now, it’s easy, since it is now a habit.
…as is my exercise routine in the morning, which started out quite simple (again, I’m a kettlebell exercise guy, because it is simple and minimalist).
And better eating habits?
It started with cutting out eating anything between meals – there went 20lbs in about 3 months!
Try starting ‘mini’ – just do one pushup, but do one each day.
Let me know how it goes for you!