Get up early each morning and have a ‘fast’ walk.
What am I talking about?
Not walking fast, but walking fasted, as in a fasted state – in other words, don’t eat breakfast yet.
This really works to burn off more fat. I know. I still do it.
I wish I’d thought of it first, but I’ve read about it in a number of places: it is well known that exercising in a fasted state does wonders for your health.
My wife and I have been in the habit of a regular bedtime/risetime for years, and this allows us to keep a morning exercise schedule in place, including a brisk walk.
Each morning we head out for a spirited walk (trying to maintain a pace of around 17min/mile as shown on my Apple Watch), without first having anything more than a drink of water.
We try for 3-4 miles each morning, and often are able to keep it up because we have made it a priority, a regular thing, and it is part of our morning routine.
That distance might sound like a lot, so first try it two times a week, and shoot to make it a daily habit like we do.
And not just a short 10 minutes, but rather a good 35-50 minutes at a quick pace.
Promise: you will definitely feel better once you get out there and get moving each morning, and your body will begin to show the weight loss, too, as it burns fat from your walking. With no food in your stomach, you body will burn fat you have stored.
Here is the key thing: get started doing it tomorrow morning, and get up early to do it. Beat the rest of the world out of bed and enjoy that crisp morning air as the sun rises – it is great!
——55 minutes later——
But now you’re back home after that great walk, and you see that cream cheese danish on the counter. Uh oh…
Have you ever heard or read this: “A calorie is just a calorie” – a calorie from a carrot is the same calorie as that from a Coke. So I’ll eat that danish instead of scrambling some eggs.
Um, no.
Yes, carrots do have a lot of sugar compared to some vegetables, but the fiber and bulk make a big difference. How your body processes the quick sugar vs. sugar from complex carbohydrates is huge, not mention the vitamins & nutrients in a carrot vs. no nutrients at all in a Coke.
(Don’t even think about substituting with a Diet Coke – those sweeteners are even worse for weight loss!)
So, skip that cheese danish – in fact, just have your black coffee and skip breakfast altogether. Instead, follow the intermittent fasting plan I detail in my book. Also known as ‘time-limited eating’, skipping breakfast makes weight loss that much easier.
Just keep your daily eating within a 6-8 hour window, stopping at least 3 hours before bedtime.
Your body will respond with amazingly healthy effects, and you will see that weight drop off – I promise!
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